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Posting/Logging an activity

To log a new run you can follow these steps:

  1. On the admin menu there will be a new sub-menu: “Run Log” – from it’s options, select “Add New” (or click on “Run” from the “New” sub-menu of the top menu).
  2. Enter a title for this run (as post title), write your run description (e.g. type of run, location, how you felt, etc.) in the body. You can add media (photos, videos) if you want, as you would do with a normal post.
  3. Under the main editing area (body) you should see the “Run Log Parameters” box. There you enter the distance and duration of the run (as well as elevation gain and calories – to be used in future version of the plugin).
  4. [Optional] You may add the gear you used in this run on the “Gears” box (like shoes – in future we may track shoes mileage by this).
  5. [Optional] You may add the goal, that this run is part of the road to it, on the “Gears” box (like shoes – in future we may track shoes mileage by this).
  6. [Optional] You may add your “STRAVA”, “Garmin Connect” or “endomondo” activity ID, to embed your activity’s data and map from your account (instead of the regular plugin’s display).
  7. Publish.